Work Instruction creation for PCB manufacturing


DocXpress, at the core of our software suite focused on simplicity and assistance in creation, is dedicated to designing instruction sheets for PCB (Printed Circuit Board) manufacturing. 

One of the crucial steps in PCB manufacturing is creating detailed instructions to guide the production process. DocXpress is designed to streamline and optimize this process, offering dynamic and user-friendly features to meet the specific needs of the electronics industry.

Dynamic Instruction Creation and Modification

DocXpress allows for dynamic creation and modification of instructions, providing essential flexibility in an ever-evolving manufacturing environment.
Logiciel DocXpress

Intuitive Component Selection

Selecting and coloring the appropriate component for your documentation is simplified with an intuitive query tool.

Graphic Editor

DocXpress offers the possibility to add graphic elements to the instruction sheet.

Paperless Viewing

DocXpress offers exceptional flexibility in document distribution:

High-Quality Printing

Furthermore, DocXpress allows you to generate vectorized PDF files, which you can print with exceptional quality or view on-screen. It offers optimal resolution, ensuring sharp images and text.

Flexible, Efficient, Sustainable, High-Quality, User-friendly

Versatile Documentation Solutions

With DocXpress, you can choose the method that best suits your needs: on-screen viewing or high-quality printing. This versatility allows you to update, distribute, and archive your instructions efficiently while contributing to a more sustainable manufacturing environment. DocXpress offers the best of both worlds, combining the convenience of on-screen viewing with HQ printing quality.

DocXpress represents Accelonix’s commitment to providing advanced software solutions to meet the unique needs of the PCB manufacturing industry. With its powerful and user-friendly features, DocXpress simplifies instruction sheet creation, enhancing the quality and efficiency of your production process. By adopting a ‘paperless’ or ‘print’ approach and integrating images and external documents, you can quickly update and distribute your instructions while contributing to a more sustainable manufacturing environment. With DocXpress, creating documentation for PCB manufacturing becomes a smoother and more efficient process.