Interactive Test Coverage Analysis : CoverageXpert

Overview of CoverageXpert

CoverageXpert is an interactive, programming-free tool designed to assess the test coverage of an electronic circuit board and generate detailed reports on this coverage. Developed by Accelonix, this software leverages the expertise of our technicians and engineers, with over 20 years of experience in the field of electrical testing.

CoverageXpert Details

Comparison of CAD and BOM Data: CoverageXpert performs a rigorous comparison between Computer-Aided Design (CAD) data and the Bill of Materials (BOM) with all programs, results, logs, and test tickets from AOI, ICT, FPT, manual inspection, SPI, and many others.

Analysis of Associated Tests: The software presents the tests associated with each component of the electronic board and calculates corresponding test scores based on rules specified for each component class and test type performed.

Score Prioritization: The tool prioritizes test scores, highlighting components that may be inadequately tested. This feature helps identify potentially problematic areas.

Customization of Calculation Rules: Calculation rules for scores are configurable, allowing for interactive analysis that takes into account the specificities of the board, certain tests, and specific testers. This flexibility ensures an accurate assessment of test coverage.

Report Generation: CoverageXpert simplifies the creation of reports in PDF and HTML formats. These detailed reports provide a comprehensive view of test coverage analysis, essential for informed decision-making in the electronic board manufacturing process.

CoverageXpert is a powerful tool that contributes to ensuring the quality and reliability of electronic products by identifying potential gaps in test coverage. It offers an interactive and customizable approach for in-depth analysis while streamlining report generation for effective communication within your manufacturing team.

CoverageXpert also caters to customers of electronic card manufacturers who are concerned about verifying the quality of the tests implemented.

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